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Why a Dedicated Swim Spa Might Be Your Best Choice

Today I want to talk to you about swim spas. But, instead of just discussing their benefits, I want to address something crucial – the downside of having a swim spa that doubles as a hot tub. Now, you might think that having a swim spa that can also function as a hot tub is the best of both worlds, but there are some significant drawbacks to consider. Here's why I believe a dedicated swim spa is often the smarter choice. 1. Temperature Troubles One of the main issues with combining a swim spa and a hot tub in one…

6 Irresistible Reasons to Dive into the World of Swim Spas

If you have been thinking about getting an in-ground swimming pool, think again. Sure, it may seem like a great idea, but if you think carefully about why you want a pool, you may find that a swim spa is the better option. In this blog, we're going to give you six compelling reasons why having a swim spa is a game-changer that offers a cost-effective and more flexible solution for you and your family. Cost Let's talk about the cost factor, which is undoubtedly a huge factor when choosing between a swim spa and an in-ground pool. In-ground pools…

Why you should hire a hot tub

We go on and on about how amazing it is to own a hot tub: the warm, relaxing water, the powerful jets, the health benefits and not to mention the entertainment value, so you may be thinking about investing in a hot tub but you’re still not sure. Will you enjoy as much as we know you will? Will it help you relax, unwind, enjoy time outdoors and with the family like we bang on about? Is it actually worth the investment? All valid questions. So if you are still sat on the fence, then why not hire a hot…

A Simple Guide to Choosing the Hot Tub of Your Dreams

If you are in the market for a hot tub, you are already sold on the benefits of owning one. You will be thinking about slipping into the therapeutic healing powers of the jets after a long and stressful day at work, alleviating those long-term aches and pains like arthritis, or soothing those muscles after a long bike ride or run. Not to mention the social benefits – getting outside and getting some well-needed vitamin D, especially during winter when we’re normally hunkered down around the fire, and just spending more time with family and friends. But the big questions…

How to drain, flush and refill your hot tub

Periodically, you should flush out your pipes, drain your tub and give it a good clean to keep it safe, sparkling and inviting. But don’t worry. It’s quite simple. Read on to find out how.

Is a Hard Shell Hot Tub better than an Inflatable?

If you are thinking about buying a hot tub for the first time, you are probably debating whether to go for a soft inflatable tub or a hard shell. It all depends on what you want it for. Read on to help you make your decision.

How to Clean Your Hot Tub Filters

Your hot tub filters are an integral part of the filtration system that keeps your water, clean, sparkling and healthy. So cleaning you filter is an important part of your maintenance routine. Here’s how.

Do I Need to Get my Hot Tub Serviced?

Our handy guide gives you the lowdown on hot tub servicing: do you need to get your hot tub serviced, how often should you get it done and what does a hot tub service entail?